Baker Signs $41.7B Buget, Vetoes $49M

Gov. Charlie Baker signed a $41.7 billion budget on Thursday that the Republican touted as a “fiscally responsible” spending plan that both increased a tax credit for low-income families and invested $160 million into public education, but also held the line on taxes and will prepare the state for the next economic downtown.

Budget Deficit Could Obstruct Trump’s Tax Cut Plan

The budget deficit is proving to be a major obstacle to the tax reform plan being offered by President Donald Trump and top congressional Republicans, with one leading Senate hawk saying a week after the plan was introduced that any enlarging of the fiscal gap could kill his support.

Comptroller’s Transparency Initiative Expands

With a few clicks, Comptroller Thomas Shack can easily pull up information on the latest hires at the MBTA, the Department of Children and Families, or any other executive department. He can see an employee’s salary, their education, their years of relevant experience and even whether an elected official wrote them a letter of recommendation.

DeLeo In The Dark On Spending

Gov. Charlie Baker has told House Speaker Robert DeLeo not to worry about deficient tax collections blowing a hole in this year’s state budget. And the powerful Winthrop Democrat is taking the governor at his word.

Correction Payroll Funds Run Out Sunday

Two weeks ago, House budget chief Brian Dempsey urged the Massachusetts House to support a midyear spending bill because it included funding needed to ensure the Department of Correction, which runs the state’s prisons, can meet its payroll in June.

Charlie Baker won't be riding the T anytime soon.

Baker Gearing Up To Solve Latest Budget Problem: A $295M Deficit

Continuing to chase after state budget solutions, Gov. Charlie Baker’s administration on Friday identified what it sees as a $295 million deficit in the $39.25 billion budget just three months into the fiscal year, prompting the governor to pursue a reduction in workforce and contemplate likely spending cuts across state government.