by State House News Service | Jul 7, 2022
The Department of Revenue is still counting, but the budget watchers at the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation expect that the Legislature will have a surplus of $3.6 billion when the final accounting of the fiscal year that ended last week is complete.
by State House News Service | Jun 8, 2022
As a team of House and Senate negotiators sit down this week to begin hashing out different versions of the annual budget, there are at least a few areas where senators may be rooting for the House’s approach to prevail.
by State House News Service | Jul 27, 2018
Gov. Charlie Baker signed a $41.7 billion budget on Thursday that the Republican touted as a “fiscally responsible” spending plan that both increased a tax credit for low-income families and invested $160 million into public education, but also held the line on taxes and will prepare the state for the next economic downtown.
by State House News Service | Jun 25, 2018
With the new fiscal year less than a week away and a budget vigil underway, the House Ways and Means is getting the week started by approving an interim budget to keep government running in the absence of an annual budget.
by State House News Service | May 23, 2018
While there’s not a groundswell around adding new revenues, state senators have collectively proposed adding $1.7 billion to the budget this week, according to an independent analysis.
by State House News Service | May 11, 2018
The Senate Ways and Means Committee on Thursday unanimously approved a $41.42 billion fiscal year 2019 budget proposal, touting the spending plan’s “robust and critical investments” in education, an “innovative approach to drug pricing” and a focus on children.
by State House News Service | Apr 20, 2018
Among the 1,400 amendments to the House’s fiscal 2019 budget is a proposal to create a new grant program intended to help schools boost early literacy.
by Reuters | Oct 5, 2017
The budget deficit is proving to be a major obstacle to the tax reform plan being offered by President Donald Trump and top congressional Republicans, with one leading Senate hawk saying a week after the plan was introduced that any enlarging of the fiscal gap could kill his support.
by State House News Service | Sep 14, 2017
Undeterred by tax collections that are trailing benchmarks two months into the fiscal year, the Legislature is halfway toward restoring $275 million in spending that Gov. Charlie Baker vetoed from the annual budget.
by State House News Service | Aug 9, 2017
With a few clicks, Comptroller Thomas Shack can easily pull up information on the latest hires at the MBTA, the Department of Children and Families, or any other executive department. He can see an employee’s salary, their education, their years of relevant experience and even whether an elected official wrote them a letter of recommendation.
by State House News Service | Jul 13, 2017
State government in Massachusetts has exhibited “serious signs of fiscal distress” and in fiscal 2015 posted an overall condition that was better than only Illinois and New Jersey, according to a new study that compared states.
by Banker & Tradesman | Jun 8, 2017
Gov. Charlie Baker has told House Speaker Robert DeLeo not to worry about deficient tax collections blowing a hole in this year’s state budget. And the powerful Winthrop Democrat is taking the governor at his word.
by Banker & Tradesman | Jun 8, 2017
Two weeks ago, House budget chief Brian Dempsey urged the Massachusetts House to support a midyear spending bill because it included funding needed to ensure the Department of Correction, which runs the state’s prisons, can meet its payroll in June.
by State House News Service | May 17, 2017
In the race to stake a claim to millions of dollars set aside in an account to help the horse racing industry, the Senate may have just claimed the pole position.
by State House News Service | Apr 14, 2017
Without specific plans for how to achieve savings, MBTA overseers on Thursday targeted the commuter rail, bus maintenance and The Ride paratransit service for reduced spending, passing a $1.989 billion fiscal 2018 budget that leaves a $30 million budget gap.
by Peter Paul Payack | Mar 26, 2017
HUD might be in for a surprise under Trump’s new budget.
by State House News Service | Mar 21, 2017
Gov. Charlie Baker has repeatedly emphasized the need to focus on the MBTA’s nuts and bolts infrastructure problems, improving signal systems, track and third rail.
by Reuters | Mar 16, 2017
President Donald Trump will ask the U.S. Congress for dramatic cuts to many federal programs as he seeks to bulk up defense spending, start building a wall on the border with Mexico and spend more money deporting illegal immigrants.
by State House News Service | Oct 17, 2016
Continuing to chase after state budget solutions, Gov. Charlie Baker’s administration on Friday identified what it sees as a $295 million deficit in the $39.25 billion budget just three months into the fiscal year, prompting the governor to pursue a reduction in workforce and contemplate likely spending cuts across state government.
by State House News Service | Apr 28, 2016
The Massachusetts House passed a $39.56 billion...