MassBio Maps Rescue Plan for Life Science Startups
The free-flowing funding climate in biotech slowed to a trickle in 2022, choking off the supply of tenants to fill Boston’s explosion of new life science real estate.
The free-flowing funding climate in biotech slowed to a trickle in 2022, choking off the supply of tenants to fill Boston’s explosion of new life science real estate.
As biotech companies shave their real estate footprints, preferred locations in the East Cambridge industry core have gone from scarce to abundant since 2022.
A global biopharma company will occupy an additional 155,000 square feet at 200 Cambridge Park Drive in Alewife after signing a lease expansion.
New England Development wants to change office space, converted from third-floor storefronts before the pandemic, into laboratories. It’s following a familiar playbook for office landlords.
Biogen is offering over 263,000 square feet of office and research space in Cambridge and Weston for sublease in the latest retrenchment of the life science industry’s local footprint.
Life science landlords continue to enjoy the upper hand in Greater Boston as the vacancy rate for the nearly 35 million-square-foot lab market remains below 3 percent, according to Colliers International research.
Asking rents for lab space are topping $116 per square foot in East Cambridge and approaching triple digits in Boston’s Seaport District, according to a brokerage research report.