Bank Regulators Clarify CECL Delays

The CARES Act and an interim final rule by bank regulators provided conflicting guidance on CECL implentation, prompting federal bank regulators to issue another joint statement clarifying the rule.

FDIC Urges CECL Delay During Economic Crisis

As federal and state regulators encourage banks and credit unions to work with customers facing financial hardships due to the coronavirus crisis, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation chairman wants to delay the implementation of a new accounting standard for banks.

FASB Announces CECL Delay for More Companies

Following a vote last month, the Financial Accounting Standards Board yesterday formally issued its proposal to delay the deadline for many banks, credit unions and other smaller companies to delay implementing a new accounting standard that would dramatically change how lenders would treat loans.

Sageworks: Bankers May Want To Retool FICO Storage

More than a third of bank and credit union professionals (34 percent) store consumers’ FICO scores on a monthly basis, but given the approaching requirements of CECL, they may want to rethink that approach, financial analysis firm Sageworks said recently.