Real estate concept with houses to buy. Searching property, homes for sale, mortgage, transaction. Minimalist models on blue background.

Our Legislators Are Off in La-La Land

Beacon Hill is sitting on a mountain of federal cash. And House and Senate leaders are inexplicably giving the brush-off to calls to devote much of it to affordable housing production even as prices and rents are skyrocketing.

Report: Lack Of Diversity Hampering Housing Production

The process for approving new housing development in communities across Massachusetts is “skewed toward an older, white population with the greatest interest in obstructing new development,” according to a new report assembled by two Boston University researchers and released Wednesday by The Boston Foundation.

Smart Growth Zoning Falls Short of Expectations

According to DCHD records, 42 cities and towns have now adopted smart growth zoning, covering over 2,300 acres which can accommodate 22,213 dwelling units. But so far only about 3,750 dwelling units have been built or permitted, an increase of about 1,250 units since 2014.

How the Lending Industry Can Support Affordable Housing

It’s no secret that the suburbs lag behind Boston in the creation of affordable housing. Year after year, economists have noted that the suburbs could learn much from Boston and its best practices for reducing the time it takes to secure housing permits and construct units.