by Nika Cataldo | Jan 28, 2024
Richard “Dick” Kelly has been in banking for 40 years, and is putting that experience to the test as he steps into his latest role at MountainOne Bank – at a time when lenders everywhere are keeping a watchful eye on their commercial borrowers.
by Nika Cataldo | Jan 19, 2024
Rockland Trust revealed two commercial loans loans worth $26 million that were not generating payments for the bank as of the fourth quarter of 2023, and a class A office loan worth $11 million that had gone into early-stage delinquency after the start of 2024.
by Nika Cataldo | Jan 14, 2024
Even as 1 in 6 square feet of downtown Boston office space sits available for lease, local banks have said that any trouble in their urban office loan portfolios will be easy to contain. But questions are being raised about how much longer that will be the case.
by Nika Cataldo | Jan 12, 2024
S&P Global Ratings is expecting that American banks will still perform well this year and build capital as they face a slowed economy and tighter regulatory landscape in 2024.
by Nika Cataldo | Dec 21, 2023
A new academic paper claims nearly 1 in 2 office real estate loans in America have negative equity, raising questions about some banks’ financial health. But the state banking trade group is pushing back against the latter idea.