by Banker & Tradesman | Jun 19, 2022
New Census data has highlighted what so many renters and would-be homebuyers have struggled with for years: Massachusetts’ housing costs are out of control. This latest data likely isn’t a surprise to my fellow business leaders who have seen firsthand the damage it’s done our state and economy.
by James Sanna | Jun 7, 2022
Speaking to a Seaport District ballroom packed with Greater Boston’s business elite this morning, gubernatorial front-runner Maura Healey said she would back local rent control measures and make housing production a focus of her administration if she wins in November.
by State House News Service | Jun 6, 2022
Massachusetts Democrats on Saturday afternoon endorsed Maura Healey’s quest to move from the attorney general’s office to the governor’s suite but also put Sonia Chang-Díaz on the September primary ballot, ensuring that Healey will have some intraparty competition before she could turn her full attention to any Republican opponents.
by State House News Service | Mar 22, 2022
Republican gubernatorial candidate Geoff Diehl will run as a team with former state representative Leah Allen, a North Shore Republican who spent a brief stint on Beacon Hill before leaving the House to focus on her nursing career.
by Peter Paul Payack | Dec 12, 2021
What sounds better in a resume? “Secretary of Labor” or “Labor Secretary?”
by Scott Van Voorhis | Dec 12, 2021
The Massachusetts housing market, distorted by a chronic shortage of homes, condominiums and apartments and plagued by ever-more-obscene prices and rents, needs a new champion. Marty Walsh could be the one.
by State House News Service | Dec 3, 2021
If former Boston Mayor Martin Walsh is interested in running for governor of Massachusetts next year, he gave no indication of it when asked about the race Friday morning during a national radio appearance.