Healey Inks $5.16B Housing Bill

A notable provision: A $13 million allocation for a Davis Cos. residential development in Allston as part of a “momentum fund” to help get approved developments off the ground.

Transfer Tax Not in Senate Leadership’s Housing Bill

Senate Democrats seek to authorize more than $5 billion in borrowing to spur housing production in a bill that would make a number of policy changes to Massachusetts’ housing laws, but leaves the much-discussed proposal to allow communities to tax high-value real estate transactions to pay for affordable housing on the cutting room floor.

Senate Plans To Tackle Housing Bill Next Week

Senate President Karen Spilka indicated Monday that the Senate will take up its version of a major housing policy and borrowing bill next week, but she declined to give any indication whether her chamber will include in its bill the local-option transfer tax that Gov. Maura Healey proposed but was left out of the bill passed by the House.

Transfer Tax Options Still in Play on Beacon Hill

Supporters of transfer fees on property transactions to raise money for housing have a huge barrier to overcome now that top House Democrats have made clear they do not support the idea, but they still have the governor on their side and there are a few routes that they could take in the state legislature.

Transfer Taxes Not Ready for Prime Time

The latest proposal to let municipalities establish new, local-option sales taxes on real estate sales continues to be a bad idea. State legislators should strip the measure from Gov. Maura Healey’s housing bill until its problems can be remedied.