What Does Healey Really Support?

The front-runner in the race for governor wants to have her cake and eat it too when it comes to rent control – an idea with the potential to shut down housing production in Greater Boston.

A file photo of the Massachusetts State House

Baker Hits Legislature For ARPA Spending Delays

Gov. Charlie Baker is among those disappointed that Beacon Hill Democrats couldn’t agree on a plan to put nearly $4 billion to work across the economy before breaking for the winter holidays. Legislative proposals for the money include hundreds of millions of dollars aimed at housing production and down payment assistance for homebuyers of color.

Homebuilders Launch COVID Safety Course

As COVD-19 infection rates continue to wane in Massachusetts, the state’s residential construction trade group has debuted a set of pandemic-specific safety standards for homebuilders and remodelers throughout the state.

Baker: Construction Must Go On

While much of the work done in Massachusetts has shifted to being performed remotely, if at all, during the coronavirus pandemic, many construction sites are still buzzing with activity and the Baker administration is planning to provide some guidance in the coming days to ensure that work is done safely.

Left Wing Threatens Somerville’s Progress on Housing

If you believe the way out of the housing crisis is to build, build, build, then Somerville Mayor Joe Curtatone is your guy. But as Somerville voters prepare to go to the polls Tuesday, housing has emerged as area of political vulnerability for the 53-year-old mayor, who first took office in 2003 and has overseen the creation of 2,200 units in his city since 2010.