AG’s Office Adds Top Housing Cop

Attorney General Andrea Campbell announced Tuesday that she’s hiring the former faculty director of a prominent legal aid clinic to tackle housing discrimination and make sure Boston suburbs are complying with new transit-oriented zoning requirements.

Mass. to Launch $100K Housing Voucher Anti-Discrimination Campaign

Landlords and tenants will soon start seeing ads pop up in their social media feeds and in newspapers declaring that “voucher discrimination is illegal,” part of a new push aimed at reducing the frequency that people who use programs like Section 8 to pay part of their rent get discriminated against.

HMDA Data Shows Need for More Homes

A new analysis of Home Mortgage Disclosure Act data by the UMass Donahue Institute and the Massachusetts Community & Banking Council shows the toll high home prices are taking on the Bay State’s Black and Brown communities, and the importance of building more housing in Greater Boston.

Senators Must Pass the Equality Act

The U.S. Senate has a historic opportunity in its hands to take a stand in favor of human rights by passing nation-wide fair housing protections for LGBTQ individuals. They cannot let the opportunity go to waste.