Former Worcester Employee Sentenced in Fraud Scheme

A former employee of Worcester’s Housing Development Office and Executive Office of Economic Development will serve more than three years in prison for her role in a $2.3 million fraud scheme relating to the redevelopment of a multi-family property in Worcester.

HUD DACA Policy Change Adds to Housing Woes

The Trump administration has decided the country’s 800,000 “Dreamers” – undocumented immigrants brought here as children but who have grown up here – are no longer eligible for federally insured mortgages, causing consternation and confusion among mortgage lenders.

Fair Housing threatened

Trump Administration Kills Fair Housing Initiative

NIMBY suburbanites, rejoice: President Donald Trump has your back. The Trump administration just took a big step toward gutting a noble Obama-era initiative, one that required cities and towns across the country to submit plans for tackling racial segregation and inequality in housing.