Disappointment at the Corner of Cambridge and Staniford
The Baker administration’s chosen design to redevelop the Charles F. Hurley building in downtown Boston is a disappointment – but not for any architectural reasons.
The Baker administration’s chosen design to redevelop the Charles F. Hurley building in downtown Boston is a disappointment – but not for any architectural reasons.
State officials have released draft guidelines for redevelopment of the property that rule out demolition of the state offices building, which is prized by devotees of modernist architecture.
State real estate officials are floating four redevelopment options for the Charles F. Hurley Building in Boston’s West End, ranging from partial demolition of the Modernist structure to complete demolition.
Gov. Charlie Baker’s effort to sell off excess state-owned land for development has faced hurdles. Now, the administration is taking another crack at marquee real estate dispositions in downtown Boston.