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The first housing permitted under the city of Cambridge’s affordable housing density bonus program celebrated its groundbreaking last week next to North Cambridge’s Danehy Park.
The first housing permitted under the city of Cambridge’s affordable housing density bonus program celebrated its groundbreaking last week next to North Cambridge’s Danehy Park.
The most ambitious building project in nonprofit developer Just-a-Start’s 55-year history, the Economic Mobility Hub at Rindge Commons, will house both elements of its mission under one roof.
Developers seeking predictable approvals and diminished threat of drawn-out legal challenges are eager to tap into Cambridge’s new zoning designed to encourage 100 percent affordable projects.
A Cambridge nonprofit is tapping into some of its underutilized and valuable real estate in Alewife to create program space for its job training programs and new affordable housing.
A former Cambridge church converted to affordable multifamily housing replaced with a new, fully affordable building after the original was destroyed in a massive fire three years ago.
MassHousing has closed on financing to Just-A-Start Corp. to renovate and preserve the affordability of 61 units at the Close Building in Cambridge.
MassHousing announced yesterday it has closed on $22.6 million in financing for the nonprofit developer Just-A-Start Corp. for the acquisition and renovation of 112 affordable apartments in Cambridge, including the new construction of a 16-unit building at 50 York St. that was destroyed in a devastating, 10-alarm fire in December 2016.