by State House News Service | Jul 25, 2024
Boston property owners, landlords and businesses that violate the city’s sanitary code could face significantly higher fees under a home rule petition that gained House approval this week and may be on the move in the Senate.
by Banker & Tradesman | Apr 9, 2023
Late last month, members of the Boston City Council chose once again to vilify the people who are working to build and maintain housing for the many Boston residents who need it.
by Diane McLaughlin | Jul 17, 2022
Massachusetts’ South Coast will not see MBTA commuter rail service until the end of next year, but the train is already making waves in the region’s housing market.
by Banker & Tradesman | Jul 17, 2022
Federal authorities’ nearly-successful attempts to wrest a Tewksbury motel from its owner shows that the real estate industry should get behind a reform proposal on Beacon Hill.
by Banker & Tradesman | Jun 19, 2022
Misinformation has been spreading about what the Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act would do. Here are the facts, and the many places it’s been refined with real estate industry feedback.
by Scott Van Voorhis | May 29, 2022
It’s hard to say who is more grating to listen to: the angry landlords bristling with resentment, or the self-righteous activists who highhandedly dismiss opponents as plants for cynical corporate interests.
by James Sanna | Oct 13, 2021
After Gov. Charlie Baker vetoed the state legislature’s previous attempt last year to guarantee apartment tenants the right to purchase the building they’re living in, senators and representatives are back with a revised bill they say addresses some industry concerns.
by The Associated Press | Aug 27, 2021
The Supreme Court’s conservative majority is allowing evictions to resume across the United States, blocking the Biden administration from enforcing a temporary ban that was put in place because of the coronavirus pandemic.
by James Sanna | Jul 1, 2021
Fair housing advocates are pushing substantial changes to the state’s Lead Law which, they say, has failed to keep children safe from poisoning and created “rampant” discrimination against renters with young children.
by Doug Quattrochi | Jun 20, 2021
A landlord who takes and passes our test will contribute to renter wellbeing, be responsible when no one is looking and avoid problems – and receive recognition for their hard work, thanks to a nationwide first achieved by MassLandlords.
by Banker & Tradesman | Nov 15, 2020
Last week bought more welcome news from the multifamily sector, as another group of large landlords declared they would work with tenants behind on rent to avoid evictions. But don’t confuse them with anything more than a band-aid.
by Banker & Tradesman | Jul 12, 2020
If legislators pass one of the leading proposals on Beacon Hill to deal with a possible eviction crisis without offering funding equal to its scope, they could be opening a pandora’s box.
by Christopher R. Vaccaro | May 24, 2020
Since Gov. Charlie Baker declared the COVID-19 emergency on March 10, recent legislation and court orders have effectively suspended eviction actions in Massachusetts.
by State House News Service | Apr 29, 2020
U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling is investigating reports of landlords who have responded to requests to defer rent payments “with demands for sexual favors and other acts of unwelcome sexual conduct.”
by State House News Service | Jul 22, 2019
Zella-Ray Martin was two years, two months and two days old when she fell to her death out of the window of her mother’s Fitchburg apartment last October. Now, her family is pushing to pass a law in her memory that they hope would prevent similar tragedies by requiring window guards or locks in the homes of young children.
by State House News Service | Jul 18, 2019
Boston Mayor Marty Walsh returned to Beacon Hill on Tuesday to testify before one of his former committees on a bill that would direct the state to provide low-income tenants who are facing eviction with a court-appointed attorney for the eviction proceedings.
by Steve Adams | Apr 28, 2019
Retail has been the weak link in Greater Boston’s commercial real estate boom, and one that’s attracting increased scrutiny from municipalities because of vacant storefronts’ tendency to sap vibrancy and spread blight.
by Banker & Tradesman | Apr 26, 2018
Arlington-based Leader Bank has officially rolled out its proprietary security deposit management tool called ZDeposit, the company announced Wednesday.
by Banker & Tradesman | Apr 23, 2017
Many commercial leases provide for automatic extension of the term unless one party notifies the other in writing within a certain timeframe that it desires not to extend the lease term – but what constitutes “a certain timeframe” can be a matter of debate.