Willow Bridge Property Submits 369-Unit Waltham Development Plans
An industrial property near Route 128 would be redeveloped as a 369-unit apartment complex under plans set to be reviewed by Waltham officials this week.
An industrial property near Route 128 would be redeveloped as a 369-unit apartment complex under plans set to be reviewed by Waltham officials this week.
Massport is sounding out landlords who ground-lease its properties about modifying terms, reflecting the difficult commercial real estate climate in Boston.
The MBTA owns prime locations for real estate development but efforts to build on them have a history of lengthy delays and missed opportunities. Could that be changing?
Lab leasing in Greater Boston declined to the lowest level since the pandemic as life science companies shied away from real estate commitments in a frugal funding climate.
A speculative lab project in Waltham landed its largest tenant to date in a Framingham-based biopharma company.
Financial terms of a planned office-lab project in the Boston Seaport District were amended by Massport officials amid an increasingly difficult development landscape.
Greater Boston’s 16 million-square-foot lab construction pipeline used to represent an exclamation point for the region’s life science industry. Today, it’s one of the biggest question marks in the local commercial real estate market.
An engineering company that is developing an air taxi powered by hydrogen is opening new offices in downtown Maynard.
Lincoln Property Co.’s proposal for a nine-building multifamily development in Boston’s Hyde Park neighborhood is being sent back to the drawing board.
Construction is under way for a 176,800-square-foot warehouse near Wrentham Village Premium Outlets, in a partnership between Lincoln Property Co. and private equity firm Stockbridge.
Three development teams emphasize sustainable designs and diverse project teams in submissions to develop a Boston Seaport District property as life science space.
A former seafood processing plant in South Boston will become the one of the first demonstration projects for Mayor Michelle Wu’s push to slash fossil fuel use in new developments.
The BPDA approved two big developments last night: Harvard University’s 900,000-square-foot research campus in Allston and a major life science project on a Massport parcel in the Seaport District.
A sale-leaseback of its 13.5-acre Holliston property will deliver $31.4 million to a precision manufacturing company.
A Chinese biotech company is the first tenant to commit to a 143,533-square-foot speculative Waltham lab development.
Construction of a new $150 million global headquarters for German contract drug manufacturer Vibalogics was recently completed in Boxborough.
An information technology services company is cashing in on demand for industrial properties in the Boston suburbs with a $21.7 million sale-leaseback of its global headquarters.
A Burlington cybersecurity firm that recently raised $200 million in venture capital financing will relocate to Liberty Wharf in Boston’s Seaport District.
Home prices in suburban Boston have surged during the pandemic, with disenchanted urbanites and others looking for more space to spread out. But it’s had only a limited impact, if that, on the commercial real estate market in Greater Boston’s sprawling suburbs.