by Jay Fitzgerald | Jun 28, 2020
Owners of new apartment buildings in the Boston area are facing unprecedented times trying to fill units amid the coronavirus outbreak and economic downturn that’s left many would-be tenants wary of moving into unfamiliar and oftentimes more expensive living quarters.
by Scott Van Voorhis | Jan 5, 2020
Making predictions can be a lot of fun. And as we head into the first week of 2020, what better time to look ahead?
by Steve Adams | Nov 24, 2019
With more than 2,000 new luxury high-rise units scheduled for completion in downtown Boston by next spring, the stakes are high to deliver the latest eye-catching amenity packages to boost preleasing.
by Steve Adams | Apr 14, 2019
Nest thermostats, keyless entry locks and electric outlets compatible with Google Home and Alexa platforms have become standard bragging points for developers marketing units in new apartment complexes.
by Banker & Tradesman | Jun 25, 2017
There’s no denying that Boston’s real estate industry is booming. Roughly 14 million square feet of new space is being developed around the city, in addition to another 40 million square feet of permitted projects that have not yet broken ground. About 80 percent of the new development square footage consists of rental apartments and condominiums.