As Labs, Offices Struggle, Massport Open to Renegotiating Ground Leases
Massport is sounding out landlords who ground-lease its properties about modifying terms, reflecting the difficult commercial real estate climate in Boston.
Massport is sounding out landlords who ground-lease its properties about modifying terms, reflecting the difficult commercial real estate climate in Boston.
Provincetown’s largest residential project in over a decade is designed to expand housing options for year-round workers on Cape Cod.
A housing developer that’s encountered neighborhood opposition to its most recent Boston projects has found a more welcoming climate in the suburban town of Medfield, and recent grants from the Healey administration toward a $235-million housing project.
Pennrose’s newest Massachusetts development will create 93 apartments in a mixed-income community rising on a long-vacant Wareham property.
A state-owned former home for children will be converted into mixed-income housing following its acquisition by Boston-based Cruz Development Corp.
A Lawrence mill complex will become Massachusetts’ first all-electric residential development after closing on a financing package and receiving funding from Columbia Gas’ settlement from the Merrimack Valley natural gas explosions.
The first of two school-to-housing adaptive reuse projects in Auburn brings 55 income-restricted and market-rate apartments to senior citizens.
Winn Development is seeking approval for 120 units of mixed-income housing in Salem while it studies potential uses for the second phase of the Exchange Salem project at a former courthouse and county commissioners’ building.
Brookline-based Kaplan Construction has completed its largest project in western Massachusetts to date with the completion of a 229-unit mixed-income community in Holyoke.
A $30.3-million financing package from MassHousing will preserve 97 units of mixed-income housing in Boston’s South End and pay for the first upgrades to the property since the 1970s.
Brookline town meeting Tuesday authorized the $14.8 million purchase of a 4-acre portion of the Newbury College campus from an Ohio developer that plans senior housing on part of the remaining site.
An enclosed sky bridge will link two parcels in Lowell’s Hamilton Canal Innovation District as part of a 125-unit workforce housing project by Boston-based WinnCompanies.
A $22 million loan from Rockland Trust Co. is kickstarting a mixed-income development including mixed-income housing and a new headquarters for Cruz Cos., one of the region’s largest minority-owned construction firms.
Financing from MassHousing will support redevelopment of a vacant former office building in downtown Worcester into a 55 units of mixed-income housing and ground-floor retail space.
Mixed-income housing has been a growing trend in real estate over the past decade, spurred both by developers looking to set their proposal apart and by community demand for more financially diverse housing options.