Prepare Now for FedNow

At some point between May and July, the Federal Reserve plans to launch its real-time payments system FedNow, and EasCorp’s Cynthia Nelson wants credit unions to get ready.

Fed Survey: Real-Time Payments Drives Satisfaction

As the Federal Reserve moves closer to the expected launch next year of its real-time payments system, a survey released last week by the Federal Reserve Banks found that having faster payment capabilities helped drive satisfaction with financial institutions for more than two-thirds of consumers.

FedNow to Launch in 2023

The Federal Reserve has narrowed the expected time frame for the launch of its instant payment platform, FedNow Service, but its debut is still at least two years away.

Avidia Takes the Plunge

Avidia Bank, a small $1.6 billion-asset bank based in Hudson, joined The Clearing House’s real-time payments system. It’s a step few, if any, community banks in the country have dared to go down and Avidia executives say it will make it a leader in the payments space.