If You Rezone It, Will They Develop?

Brokers and developers say opportunities for the kinds of large-scale projects that would move the needle on Massachusetts’ housing shortage are few and far between under rezonings completed so far under the MBTA Communities law.

Paving the Path to Permitting

For real estate developers pursuing projects in Boston, the road to approval often leads through McDermott, Quilty, Miller & Hanley partner Joseph Hanley’s State Street offices.

Plans for Newton Train Stations Up the Ante in Zoning Debate

Newton city councilors are facing pressure to scale back plans to rezone the community’s 13 commercial nodes for more multifamily development to comply with the state’s MBTA Communities law, but one of the mooted suggestions could come at a cost: plans to revamp its commuter rail stations.

Report Seeks Zoning Roots of Boston Segregation

A prominent researcher who spent a year combing through archived municipal planning documents, state reports and local media accounts of land-use debates in Greater Boston says it’s clear many suburban areas have used zoning as a tool to exclude for over 100 years.

The Shape of Things to Come?

Perched at a gateway intersection to the Newtonville neighborhood, Mark Development’s Trio apartment block is a Rorschach test for competing visions of Newton’s future.

Newton Scales Back Transit Zoning Plans

The latest version of Newton’s upzoning plan shrinks the size of buildings and the number of parcels where new housing will be allowed. But officials still think the plan can pass muster under the state’s MBTA Communities zoning reform law.