In response to a proposal from lawmakers to increase local fees on ride-hailing companies, Uber said the fees would place an unfair burden on Massachusetts residents who rely on its service.
Three state lawmakers and a regional planning group are calling for the higher fees on Uber and Lyft, saying they could help reduce traffic and raise revenue for cities and towns for transportation projects.
The bill proposed by Sen. Brendan Crighton and Reps. Jay Livingstone and Adrian Madaro would create a fee structure of 6.25 percent of each ride for single-rider trips, or 4.25 percent for shared trips. Current fees are 20 cents per ride. Numerous studies have shown that Uber and Lyft drivers are a major contributor to the increases in congestion seen in the Boston area in recent years.
Uber spokeswoman Alix Anfang said in a statement that while the company shares the goal of reducing traffic congestion, the measure if approved would result in Massachusetts riders paying the highest tax in the country on ride-hailing services.