The Simon Property Group-owned Burlington Mall. Image courtesy of Google Maps

Police in Burlington say a special visitor to a busy downtown area was likely looking for some last-minute food before a long winter’s sleep.

The black bear seen roaming Burlington’s retail district on Friday evening stunned patrons and employees of local businesses. Media reports stated the bear was seen in the area of the Third Ave development and the Burlington Mall. Police say it disappeared without causing harm or property damage.

Local authorities warned people to stay away from the bear and take measures to avoid attracting it to their yards, including removing bird feeders and garbage.

Police believe the bear may live in a wooded area between Burlington and Lexington and will likely go into hibernation soon. This year has seen multiple black bear sightings in the area, marking an expansion of the animal’s range into more urbanized areas, alongside coyotes and other predators that were once rarely seen in suburbia.

Bear Visits Burlington Retail District

by The Associated Press time to read: 1 min