
Columnists, guest columns, op-eds and editorials published in Banker & Tradesman and its special sections.

Guest Columns and Op-Eds

From high officials to lone operators, read a diverse cross section of perspectives on the issues facing the Massachusetts real estate and banking industries today.

Pitches for op-eds and special section guest columns should be directed to managing editor James Sanna at jsanna@thewarrengroup.com.

A Gateway to Clean Energy on Cape Cod

Although the resort town of Barnstable fits the demographic requirements of a gateway municipality, it lacked the typical industrial history and immigrant cultures – until offshore wind projects started taking root offshore.

Scott Van Voorhis

Commercial Interests

Columnist Scott Van Voorhis analyzes the commercial real estate market, state politics, housing and more with the perspective of a journalist with 40 years’ experience covering businesses in Massachusetts.

Lew Sichelman

The Housing Scene

Syndicated residential real estate columnist Lew Sichelman has been covering real estate for more than 50 years. He is a regular contributor to numerous shelter magazines and housing and housing-finance industry publications.

What Real Estate Agents Shouldn’t Do

Collectively, real estate agents don’t always have the greatest reputation, even if it’s undeserved in many cases. But some agents really cross the line. Here’s a listing of some of the biggest red flags.

Finding Money to Rebuild After Disasters

Hurricanes, fires, floods: If you’re struck by one of these disasters, you’re going to need money. The good news is that there are numerous financial resources available.

After Death or Divorce, What Happens to the House?

When a family member passes away, their loved ones sometimes become homeowners unexpectedly. In these situations, servicers are supposed to help, but some just steer borrowers into costly refinances.