
Columnists, guest columns, op-eds and editorials published in Banker & Tradesman and its special sections.

Guest Columns and Op-Eds

From high officials to lone operators, read a diverse cross section of perspectives on the issues facing the Massachusetts real estate and banking industries today.

Pitches for op-eds and special section guest columns should be directed to managing editor James Sanna at jsanna@thewarrengroup.com.

Editorial Cartoon

Cartoonist Peter Paul Payack lampoons and reflects on the people, trends and ideas in the Massachusetts real estate and banking industries.


Editorials are the opinions of this newspaper alone, and do not reflect its reporters or columnists.

Pay Attention to Train Electrification

The dream of frequent, electrified suburban trains in Greater Boston has long seemed perennially on the horizon. Could this time be different? Indications are, yes. And housing developers should start keeping an eye on the project.

Pull Together to Fix Downtown Boston

Is Boston headed for a fiscal cliff or a fiscal hiccup thanks to falling office utilization? Two things are for sure: no one should take fears of a calamity lightly, and everyone should use this threat as an occasion to fix what’s long been broken.

Sun Belt Wins, Mass. Loses in Housing Construction

Massachusetts politicians should look at Raleigh, North Carolina with a mixture of anger, envy and fear: Anger and envy that that metro has outpaced us in housing construction by miles, fear that it will help them steal our jobs and prosperity.

Scott Van Voorhis

Commercial Interests

Columnist Scott Van Voorhis analyzes the commercial real estate market, state politics, housing and more with the perspective of a journalist with 40 years’ experience covering businesses in Massachusetts.

Boston’s Luxury Condo Market Still Cold

Boston’s Luxury Condo Market Still Cold

Red hot for years, has the Boston luxury condo market finally lost its sizzle? It looks like it – and developers’ ability to offer cash back at closing could be keeping prices from coming down.

Don’t Let NIMBYs Kill Green Power

Don’t Let NIMBYs Kill Green Power

NIMBY local pols and naysayers wrecked the housing market in Massachusetts. Now, they’re threatening to do the same thing with the state’s new clean energy industry unless Beacon Hill can stop them.

Lew Sichelman

The Housing Scene

Syndicated residential real estate columnist Lew Sichelman has been covering real estate for more than 50 years. He is a regular contributor to numerous shelter magazines and housing and housing-finance industry publications.

Door Opens to Flip a House for Yourself, Not Profit

High mortgage rates, soaring house prices and rising construction costs have driven many flippers out of the market. And with their exit comes a great opportunity for people eager to buy a fixer-upper of their own.

Fixed-Rate Loan Payments Can Go Up

If you have a fixed-rate mortgage, your payments will always stay the same, right? Wrong. Taxes and insurance premiums invariably rise – which means your house payment does, too.