MassDevelopment has issued a $3.1 million tax-exempt bond for Brockton Area Multi Services Inc. (BAMSI), a nonprofit organization that serves individuals with disabilities.

BAMSI will use the bond proceeds to buy, renovate and equip buildings at 364 South St. in Holliston and 215 Lincoln St. in Easton to use as residential group homes, and to refinance existing debt. Salem Five Cent Savings Bank purchased the bond.

“BAMSI is committed to transforming the lives of Massachusetts residents by providing them with quality care and the opportunity to work towards self-sufficiency,” Laura Canter, MassDevelopment executive vice president of finance programs, said in a statement. “MassDevelopment is proud to help this organization expand its facilities and its mission with the development of these two residential group homes.”

MassDevelopment previously assisted the organization with two TechDollars loans for $163,000 in 2010 and $250,000 in 2013 for information technology and security, and a $2.6 million tax-exempt bond in 2006.

Brockton Nonprofit To Procure, Develop Two Properties As Group Homes

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min