After analyzing data of long-distance moves into and out of some of America’s biggest major metros, researchers at Zillow say most buyers relocating to the Boston area buy smaller but pricier homes.

Zillow analyzed data from North American Van Lines about where the company’s customers moved to and from in 2020.

On average, long-distance movers arriving in Greater Boston relocated into ZIP codes with $190,243 higher home values on average than where they moved from. Homes in ZIP codes where these out-of-towners settled in Greater Boston were on average 60 square feet smaller than the average in movers’ origin ZIP codes, or about twice the size of an extra bathroom.

Those moving out of Boston saw almost the reverse trend play out. Those who moved out of Greater Boston went to ZIP codes where average home values were $170,429 lower than where they started. Homes sold in their destination ZIP codes were on average 131 square feet larger.

Nationally, movers went to ZIP codes where sold homes are 33 square feet larger on average than where they came from, with home values nearly $27,000 lower than where they came from last year.

“The ability to sell in a relatively expensive market and relocate somewhere more affordable – either to save money or get more bang for their buck with a larger property – was extremely attractive to movers,” Jeff Tucker, senior economist at Zillow, said in a statement.

Buyers Who Relocated to Boston Sought Smaller, Pricier Homes

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min