Community Good Works

IC Credit Union made the biggest single philanthropic gift in its history, to a local Catholic high school trying to build an endowment to secure its financial future. See who else gave back.

IQHQ Refis Fenway, Allston Lab Sites

Lab sites in Allston and the Fenway refinanced their debt after life science developer IQHQ Inc. received $900 million in additional investments from its long-term partners.

A Growing Lender’s Deposit Advantage

Brian Harrington joined Merrimack Valley Credit Union as its vice president of finance and treasury at an intriguing time. The financial institution is about to rebrand as it grows its footprint across three states.

Community Good Works

Bristol County Savings Bank Gave $250,000 to help fund a new emergency department at Sturdy Memorial Hospital in Attleboro. See who else gave back.