Weston & Sampson will lead the creation of a new master plan for Boston Common funded with proceeds from sale of the Winthrop Square garage.

The master plan will be developed in partnership with the Friends of the Public Garden. Weston & Sampson’s design studio, landscape architects and engineers will develop a plan for the future of the parcel.

Millennium Partners agreed to contribute to the study in a compromise over the shadow effects generated by their $1.3-billion Winthrop Center skyscraper at 115 Federal St.

The study will address preservation, maintenance and public use of the park, Mayor Marty Walsh said in a statement. Walsh has committed $28 million from the sale of the 115 Federal St. property for capital investments, maintenance and activities on the Common.

City Selects Planner For Boston Common Upgrades

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min