Attendees celebrate at an awards event held by Florence Bank to honor the recipients of $100,000 in grants given in the first quarter of 2020. Photo by Jim Gipe | Photo courtesy of Florence Bank and Pivot Media

Bay State Savings Bank

Worcester-based Bay State Savings Bank donated over $1,200 to Worcester soup kitchen Mustard Seed Catholic Worker. The organization, which offers food and shelter to local homeless, will use the Bank’s donation to replace ceiling tiles in its rooms used for meetings, food, and clothing storage. Bay State Savings Bank staff raised the money by allowing employees who donated to the Mustard Seed to participate in a dress down day.

Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod

The Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod gave $133,750 in grants to local organizations for the first quarter of the year. The Cape Cod Healthcare Foundation was the biggest recipient, being awarded $100,000 for the new patient tower at Cape Cod Hospital.

Florence Bank

Florence Bank Customers’ Choice Community Grants Program distributed $100,000 to 57 area nonprofits an awards celebration on March 10. Recipients include food distribution to feed neighbors throughout Western Massachusetts, literacy programs for children and teens, counseling and legal advocacy for adult and children survivors of domestic violence, student scholarships for socio-economically-disadvantaged students and more.

Hanscom Federal Credit Union

Board members from Hanscom Federal Credit Union recently attended the 66th Air Base Group annual awards ceremony at the Minuteman Commons on Hanscom Air Force Base. The credit union sponsored the ceremony with a contribution of $3,000.

Community Good Works

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min