Monson Savings Bank President and future CEO Dan Moriarty presents a $1,000 donation to Link to Libraries President and CEO Laurie Flynn. Photo courtesy of Monson Savings Bank

Dedham Savings Bank

Dedham Savings Bank donated $5,000 to the Ecumenical Social Action Committee. This capital investment will be used to transform the organization’s technology infrastructure to meet the changing needs of staff, especially as they work remotely during the pandemic.

Hanscom Federal Credit Union

Hanscom Federal Credit Union hosted its annual holiday raffle, which raised a total of $15,400 for A Bed for Every Child, an initiative of the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless.

Leominster Credit Union

Leominster Credit Union’s board of directors voted to approve a $600 one-time payment to all LCU employees at a recent meeting. The bank said it wanted to help employees as they navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and urged them to consider spending the money locally to stimulate economic activity in the communities where they live.

Monson Savings Bank

Monson Savings Bank President and future CEO Dan Moriarty recently presented a $1,000 donation to Link to Libraries President and CEO Laurie Flynn as part of an initiative where donations are chosen by members of the public. Link To Libraries, based out of Wilbraham, is a nonprofit whose mission is to distribute new books to the school and home libraries of children in need.

North Easton Savings Bank

North Easton Savings Bank was the presenting sponsor of an Indigenous History Conference facilitated by Plymouth 400 Inc. and hosted by Bridgewater State University. “2020 Hindsight or Foresight – Indigenous History Conference” was presented in nine virtual sessions throughout the end of 2020. It was one of several Plymouth 400 Anniversary events commemorating the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower voyage and highlighting the cultural contributions and American traditions that began with the interaction of the Wampanoag and English peoples.

South Shore Bank

Weymouth-based South Shore Bank distributed $100,000 in grants as part of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston’s Jobs for New England (JNE) Working Capital Lending Program. The JNE program targets small businesses that need assistance in addition to or outside the parameters of the federal Paycheck Protection Program.  It’s intended to help small businesses obtain loans that create or preserve jobs, expand woman-owned, minority-owned or veteran-owned businesses, or otherwise stimulate the local economy.

Community Good Works

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min