Italian Home For the Children Vice President Joe McLean, left and interim CEO Susan Keays, center, pose with Rockland Trust Vice President of Charitable Giving Andrea Borowiecki. Photo courtesy of Rockland Trust

Direct Federal Credit Union

Needham-based Direct Federal Credit Union gave $1,000 scholarships to six area high school students who have led or supported an effort to make their school and community more inclusive.

Rockland Trust

Hanover-based Rockland Trust gave $5,000 to Italian Home for Children in Boston’s Jamaica Plain neighborhood to help fund translation services for families seeking mental health support from the organization.

Rollstone Bank & Trust

Leominster-based Rollstone Bank & Trust gave $10,000 to the United Way of North Central Massachusetts’ Working Families Initiative to help low-and moderate area residents build savings and gain assets.

RTN Federal Credit Union

Waltham-based RTN Federal Credit Union sponsored three virtual financial education seminars for high school students participating in Waltham Partnership for Youth’s Summer Internship Program.

Community Good Works

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