Commerce Bank, East Cambridge Savings and Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union are among the organizations giving back to their communities this week.


Commerce Bank

Commerce Bank donated $5,000 to Habitat for Humanity MetroWest/Greater Worcester, to be used in the construction of a new home at 38 Aetna St. in Worcester. The new home will house a local family in need.


East Cambridge Savings Bank

For the sixth consecutive year, East Cambridge Savings Bank has donated $10,000 to the 2016 City of Medford Summer Recreation Program. The program aims to keep children safe throughout the summer by providing them free physical fitness opportunities.


Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union

Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union and Lowell General Hospital recently joined together to participate in Fill-The-Bus 2016, a community-wide clothing and toiletry collection for Catie’s Closet. Catie’s Closet is a nonprofit organization that provides students in need with clothing and basic necessities. Boxes at Jeanne D’Arc and Lowell General Hospital locations will be available through Aug. 11 for donated clothes, shoes and toiletries. A bus will be coming to collect the donated items after the collection closes.

Community Good Works

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min