Image courtesy of Vanko Studio Architects and Columbia Design Group

Developers are eyeing a former nursing home in South Boston’s City Point for a 31-unit condominium project.

The $8 million project would convert the three-story structure at 804 East Seventh St. into housing through internal renovations, according to a small project application submitted by developers Christopher Anderson and Stephen Niosi to the Boston Planning & Development Agency.

The 0.4-acre property contains a 31,000-square-foot former nursing home, which will be redesigned to convert the units into condominiums with separate bathrooms and larger windows. Developers plan an automated parking garage with 31 on-site spaces.

The project will require variances from the zoning board of appeals for minimum lot area/additional dwelling units and minimum open space.

Members of the project team include Vanko Studio Architects and Columbia Design Group, George Horowitz Structural Engineering, Zade Associates and legal counsel Adams & Morancy. Developers are targeting a fourth quarter groundbreaking and early 2023 completion date, according to the filing.

The current ownership, East 7th Street LLC, paid $3.6 million for the property in September 2019.

Condos Proposed for City Point Nursing Home 

by Steve Adams time to read: 1 min