Jack Conway & Co. Inc. and New Penn Financial have entered into a Norwell-based joint venture under the name Conway Financial Services.

The new entity will be managed by Conway’s Janet Bradshaw, who will oversee it as it provides mortgage services to homebuyers in the area.

“Our ability to strengthen homebuyers with prequalification and an array of tailored loan programs, along with Jack Conway’s deep roots and local expertise, should greatly improve the home buying experience,” Bradshaw said in a statement.

New Penn Financial operates through multiple subsidiaries and joint ventures, including Shelter Mortgage Co.

“At New Penn Financial and Shelter Mortgage, we have consistently demonstrated that we can produce customer-centric loan programs and recruit highly respected loan officers,” Corey Caster, senior vice president of Shelter Mortgage, said in a statement. “As a result, we’re able to create joint ventures with highly regarded companies. This partnership will make Conway Financial Services a premiere one-stop shopping experience for thousands of homebuyers in Massachusetts.”

Conway Partners With New Penn To Serve Norwell-Area Mortgage Customers

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min