CTA Construction has been selected by the Cambridge Housing Authority as general contractor on the $44 million, phased-renovations of the Newtowne Court apartment complex in Cambridge.

Renovations to Newtowne Court, an eight-building, 268-unit development located on Washington Street, include upgrades to boiler plants, fire alarm and sprinkler systems; interior renovations including new wood flooring, heating units, bathroom finishes and fixtures; and roof replacement.

The project, designed by Baker/Wohl Architects of Boston, is expected to take 30 months to complete.

The Cambridge Housing Authority awarded CTA a $21.6 million contract last year to revitalize the 122-unit Putnam Garden Apartments. Previously, CTA renovated the Harry S. Truman Apartment Building for the Cambridge Housing Authority.

CTA Construction Chosen For $44M Cambridge Apartment Complex Reno

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