Stat Dartmouth (Stat Ambulance Service) and its sister company Stat-Southcoast EMS, will expand its office space to accommodate increased growth.

Stat CEO Carol Mansfield said the company will add 600 square feet of space on the second floor of their current location at 360 Faunce Corner Road in North Dartmouth. Presently, the two companies occupy 7,500 square feet of first floor space. The additional space will include room for operations, billing and training, according to a statement.

Stat was recently awarded a five-year renewal for its 911 contract with the town of Dartmouth, and Stat Southcoast EMS has added a number of health care facilities and nursing homes that it provides transportation for. Mansfield, who is the sole owner of Stat (Dartmouth) as well as sole owner/CEO of Stat Southcoast EMS, said, "We have been fortunate to experience growth over the last few years and the additional space will help us to manage this growth and prepare for the additional opportunities in the marketplace."

Recently, the firm brought on industry veteran Mark Haskell of Rehoboth to serve as director of business development. In addition to Stat-Dartmouth seeking additional 911 contracts with area municipalities, Stat-Southcoast EMS is seeking to expand its work with area hospitals and facilities.

Dartmouth Ambulance Service Expands Office Space To Accommodate Growth Plans

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min