Marlborough-based Digital Federal Credit Union has abandoned Google, its primary vendor for enterprise search and discovery, in an effort to be more secure.

The largest New England based credit union said in a statement today it has selected Yippy, a technology company that specializes in enterprise search and data unification, to replace Google.

The main reason, according to the statement, is because Google previously announced that it was changing Google Search Appliance, the former leading product in the search appliance market, in order to transition to a 100 percent cloud-based solution.  For financial institutions such as DCU, a cloud-based solution is not an option due to data security and compliance issues, the statement said.

“DCU is always looking for new technologies to enhance and facilitate their employees’ experience, which ultimately benefits our 680,000 plus members nationwide,” Jane Fontaine, DCU’s vice president of human resources and training, said in a statement. “The Yippy Search Appliance was chosen for its superior security, search and data unification capabilities. Yippy was the only vendor to pass our security requirements and we were up and transitioned away from Google within a matter of days. Yippy’s team exceeded our expectations and we highly recommend their services to other credit unions and financial institutions.”

DCU Chooses Yippy Over Google

by Bram Berkowitz time to read: 1 min