Image courtesy MassDevelopment

A $2 million loan from MassDevelopment will support conversion of a vacant downtown Haverhill building into market-rate housing and retail space.

Developer Ted Ammon purchased the four-story former Haverhill TV and Appliance building in 2019 following the appliance store’s closure and broke ground in September. Plans call for a pair of ground-floor retail storefronts and nine market-rate apartments.

MassDevelopment previously provided funding for Traggorth Cos.’ redevelopment of a vacant building at 81-87 Washington St. into the 24-unit Granville apartment building and predevelopment loan for Traggorth Cos.’ JM Lofts project, which created 18 market-rate apartments at 37 Washington St.

The projects were an outgrowth of MassDevelopment’s Transformative Development Initiative, which encourages economic development in walkable Gateway Cities neighborhoods.

Developer Begins Downtown Haverhill Housing Project

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: <1 min