GAAMHA Inc., an organization dedicated to supporting people with developmental disabilities and substance abuse disorders in Gardner, has received a $1.3 million tax-exempt bond from MassDevelopment.

GAAMHA, previously known as the Gardner Athol Area Mental Health Association, will use the bond proceeds to buy and renovate a 6,870-square-foot building on Central Street in Gardner to use as programming space for people transitioning from addiction recovery to independent living.

A portion of the building will house a bakery operated by GAAMHA clients, proceeds from which will support the organization, and a portion of the space will be used for peer recovery services provided by the A.E.D. Foundation, which assists individuals and families recovering from drug addiction. The remaining space will be permanent sober housing for 12 individuals. MassDevelopment enhanced the bond with a guarantee, and Enterprise Bank purchased the bond.

Developmental Disabilities Organization Receives Financing For Programming Space

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min