A proposed senior housing development in Devens called Shirley Commons has received a rental housing award from the Baker-Polito administration, allowing it to move forward with construction in spring of 2019.

The developer on the project is The Women’s Institute for Housing and Economic Development, a nonprofit developer based in Boston and Hartford. Shirley Commons will have 58 new units of affordable housing for seniors in the Shirley Village Growth District on Hospital Road.

Funding and support for the project comes from MassDevelopment, the Department of Housing and Community Development, with low income housing tax credits and subsidy funds, and a 2016 MassWorks Infrastructure Grant Program award to the town of Shirley.

“Shirley Commons will benefit seniors by providing new, quality, affordable housing with supportive services, enabling residents to age in their community, and it will also contribute to the ongoing redevelopment of Devens,” Housing and Economic Development Secretary Jay Ash said in a statement.

Devens Senior Housing Development Moves Forward

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min