Step aside tiny homes, and make way for a tiny store.

A custom-built compact living unit is mattress retailer Allswell’s traveling ambassador currently making a stop in Boston’s Seaport District, hawking its product lines including a new Supreme Mattress, which retails at $985 and up.

The 238-square-foot Tiny Home pop-up is located at 5 Fan Pier Boulevard through Sept. 24. The four-room home, built by Ohio-based tiny home manufacturer Modern Tiny Living, is Allswell’s first physical storefront. It’s been on a 13-city national tour since February, including stops in Los Angeles, Nashville and Philadelphia.

Allswell is an online startup that was acquired by Walmart in 2018. Its mattresses are touted for their “medium-firm” feel, but visitors may be just as interested in the unusual storefront as the products themselves: more than 100 visitors have offered to buy the tiny house, the company said.

Don’t Sleep on This Traveling ‘Tiny Home’ Store

by Steve Adams time to read: 1 min