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Critics call it everything from an empty stall tactic to an outright political ploy.

The White House announced Tuesday that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would act under its broad powers to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The measure would forbid landlords from evicting anyone for failure to pay rent, providing the renter meets four criteria. The order comes as many local and state eviction bans are set to expire.

The CDC order covers only people who:

  • Have an income of $198,000 or less for couples filing jointly, or $99,000 for single filers.
  • Demonstrate they have sought government assistance to make their rental payments.
  • Are unable to pay rent because of COVID-19 hardships.
  • Are likely to become homeless if they are evicted.

Richard Vetstein, the lead attorney representing landlords who are challenging an eviction moratorium in Massachusetts, called the CDC order “convoluted” and poorly drafted.

“It’s a pretty blatant political play by Trump in an election year,” Vetstein said. “It purports to apply nationwide to every residential situation for nonpayment of rent, so that would be many, many millions of rental properties.”

Landlords say the order forces them to shoulder a heavy financial burden.

“It’s great to say nobody can be evicted,” said Mitch Matorin, who is owed $11,400 in back rent on property he owns in Worcester. “But all that does is push this large societal cost onto the landlords.”

Matorin, a lead plaintiff in the case against the state moratorium, said he has had to dip into savings to make monthly mortgage payments.

“If there is a societal interest that requires no evictions, then society needs to step up and fund it,” he said. “Otherwise, it is incredibly unfair and untenable to shove the cost on the landlords.”

A $3 trillion coronavirus relief bill passed in May by Democrats in the House would provide about $175 billion to pay rents and mortgages. A counter proposal from Senate Republicans offers far less. Advocacy groups have sought more than $100 billion.

Vetstein said there were many questions about the order, including whether it applies to eviction cases already filed in the courts. It is also unclear how the order would affect lawsuits like the one in Massachusetts challenging the state moratorium.

“One of our clients is a nurse,” he said. “She is owed over $20,000, and now she is going to be stuck. Through the end of the year she will be owed $30,000, and the tenant can just live there for free. It’s literally going to cause her financial ruin.”

Whatever the order’s limitations, renters like Natasha Blunt are relieved.

“Sign me up!” the New Orleans resident said after learning about the government directive.

A GoFundMe campaign and earnings from a part-time housekeeping job helped her catch up on rent through September on the two-bedroom apartment she shares with her two young grandchildren. But she was worried about what would happen after that.

“Oh my God. That would be a blessing for me and my babies,” said Blunt, who lost her banquet porter’s job at the beginning of the pandemic. “I would be able to buy food. It would just lift a huge weight off my shoulders.”

GoFundMe and donations from several community groups helped Amanda Wood of Columbus, Ohio, stave off eviction in August. But Wood, who is 23 and pregnant and has a 6-month-old at home, is scrambling again to pay September’s bills.

“It makes me feel good that I can’t get evicted,” said Wood, who lost her job with a claims-management company in April. But she’s still worried about paying all those months of rent in January.

“You could still face eviction after that,” she said. “The landlord isn’t going to dismiss all the months of rent that has been built up.”

Federal Eviction Ban Called ‘Blatant Political Play’

by The Associated Press time to read: 3 min