Merrimack Street, Lawrence


What: Riverwalk
Where: Merrimack Street, Lawrence
Owner: Lupoli Development
Built: 1906





  • FlowServe, Clarendon Early Education Services, Scientific Intake, Disappearing Inc. and Adecco Group recently signed leases at Lupoli Development’s Riverwalk mill complex in Lawrence.
  • In the past year, Riverwalk has attracted 38 companies and created 370 new jobs, with approximately 25 percent of its current tenants operating in the medical industry. Today, the 3.6 million-square-foot mixed-use development houses more than 200 companies and has created more than 4,000 jobs in one of Massachusetts’ Gateway Cities.
  • Lupoli Development is a vertically integrated owner, operator and developer of a mixed-use real estate portfolio that includes more than 4 million square feet of commercial, retail and residential property.


They Said It:

“When we create commercial space for tenants, our goal is to bring our client’s vision to life, and not the other way around. This is why we are able to attract and retain some of the most innovative companies today.”

— Sal Lupoli, president and CEO, Lupoli Cos.

Hot Property: Dec. 18 2017

by Steve Adams time to read: 1 min