Photo courtesy of The Huntington Theatre

What: Huntington Theatre renovations
Where: 264 Huntington Ave., Boston
Owner: Huntington Theatre Co.
Built: 1925 

Boston’s Huntington Theatre has reopened following a $58 million renovation and restoration project by Shawmut Design and Construction. 

Designed by Bruner/Cott Architects, the project upgraded building systems and restored 45 historic lighting fixtures from the original 1925 building, including chandeliers and star fixtures. 

The project includes seating with additional legroom, improved sight lines and new acoustic systems. A new accessible entrance features a vaulted arcade ceiling, and an automated fly-rigging system replaced an antiquated counterweight system that controlled scenery. 

They Said It: 

 “Art is the center of everything we do at The Huntington, and this incredibly beautifully renovated theatre complex expands the possibilities around our art and creativity.”
Loretta Greco, artistic director, The Huntington Theatre 

Hot Property: Huntington Theatre

by Steve Adams time to read: 1 min