On behalf of the 24,000 members of the Massachusetts Association of Realtors, I want to extend thanks and appreciation for the Aug. 20 editorial “Help Needed To Hang A Hat.”

With the exceptionally low inventory of single-family homes and condominiums in Massachusetts, Realtors representing both sellers and buyers are facing challenging times on behalf of their clients.

Sellers want to receive the highest return on their investment and at the same time want to make sure the buyer is qualified and able to purchase the home based upon the agreed to terms. Sellers are also concerned about the buyer’s ability to perform and how the process will proceed after the contracts have been signed and the home inspection and appraisal have been completed.

Buyers want to purchase a home at the best possible price and under the best possible terms. Buyers also want a home inspection that reveals a minimum number of issues and want to know that the purchase price is confirmed by the appraisal.

Sellers and buyers want to make sure that the transaction happens smoothly and today, more than ever, both parties are nervous about the process.

As the editorial correctly points out, Realtors know how to represent each party. We know how to work with one another and how to keep the communication lines open at every step of the process. We work with attorneys, home inspectors, loan officers and appraisers to make sure the terms of the agreement are met in a timely and reasonable manner with the fewest bumps in the road as possible. Realtors know how to get the job done!

Paul Yorkis is 2017 president of the Massachusetts Association of Realtors and president of Patriot Real Estate in Medway.

Letter To The Editor

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min