The Massachusetts Board of Real Estate Appraisers (MBREA) today announced the death of Richard D. Simmons Sr. on Aug. 2. Simmons, 95, was a MBREA past-president and a member of the Appraisal Hall of Fame.

“Dick served as MBREA president in 1973 and was known for his extraordinary commitment to the education of appraisers,” according to a statement from the MBREA.

An award was established in his name in 1983. Recipients of the Richard D. Simmons Sr. award include Karl “Chip” Case, William Apgar and Charles Akerson.

Simmons was among the first class of honorees inducted into the Appraisal Hall of Fame on June 17, 2009.

MBREA Announces Death Of Past President

by Jim Morrison time to read: <1 min