The details of the allegations involving the National Association of Realtors published in the New York Times should prompt every member of the association, and our society, to pause and reflect. I know this behavior exists in our world because I’ve experienced it. Certainly not overtly as reported in this article but each time we are dismissed, ignored, are the butt of sarcasm and jokes, and each time we are told that we are too sensitive, this behavior perpetuates. Together, as a society of men and women, we can take a stand by not allowing behavior that makes us uncomfortable. Don’t turn the other way, don’t smile and laugh, don’t be made to feel that you’ve overreacted.   

Jack Conway is a member of NAR and we have been for many years. We subscribe to and follow the code of ethics set forth by many amazing professionals who have come before us, and the reality is no business is immune from bad actions and poor choices.  

I hope all Realtors, men and women alike, will be sad and disappointed by these allegations and proud of the courageous women who stepped forward. Then, let’s be equally courageous by not minimizing the possibility that a culture of fear and disrespect can exist. We can all do our part by making our next action, word, or behavior something our mothers, daughters and sisters would be proud of. 

— Carol C. Bulman is CEO and chairman of the board at Hanover-based brokerage Jack Conway 

Letter to the Editor: NAR Allegations Should Prompt Reflection

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min