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Boston-based developer Redgate is planning to redevelop a commercial site off Route 1A in East Boston into a 190-unit multifamily development.

The 1.2-acre site at 355 Bennington St. currently contains a single-story commercial building and parking.

The project would replace the existing industrial building with a 6-story multifamily building including ground floor retail, accessory parking and resident amenity space, according to a project notification form submitted for Redgate by attorney Matthew Kiefer of Goulston & Storrs.

Redgate is also seeking approval for redevelopment of the former Edison power plant in South Boston and recently received a building permit to begin construction of a 230-unit multifamily project at 144 Addison St. in East Boston.

Redgate Proposes 190 Housing Units in East Boston

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: <1 min