Massachusetts has the third-lowest mortgage rates in the nation, according to a new study from Lending Tree.

The data used to conduct the study was derived from more than 280,000 mortgage shoppers who entered their information on over the past 30 days.

With an average offered interest rate of 4.76 percent, the commonwealth is behind only California at 4.74 percent and New Jersey at 4.75 percent, and is tied with Washington state. The average APR in Massachusetts in was 4.86 percent, according to the study, while California’s and New Jersey’s were 4.83 percent, and Washington’s was 4.85 percent. New York state had the highest average offered interest rate at 4.96 percent and the highest average APR at 5.07 percent.

Massachusetts homebuyers offered the fifth-highest down payments in the nation, at $34,029 on an average offered loan amount of $274,996. The highest average down payment was made by New Yorkers, at $43,404 on an average offered loan amount of $$260,163. California, the poster child for unaffordable housing, borrowers paid the second-highest down payments in America, at $41,502 on an average offered loan amount of $313,508.

According to data compiled by The Warren Group, publisher of Banker & Tradesman, the 2018 median single-family home sale price in Massachusetts was $385,000.

Report: Massachusetts Has Third-Lowest Mortgage Rates in U.S.

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min