What Is Banker & Tradesman's Top Lenders?

For over 150 years, The Warren Group has been the most trusted and reliable source in New England for real estate property data. The company maintains the most comprehensive property database today due to its long-standing relationships with town assessors, clerks and county registries as well as its extensive daily collection of transaction records in the field. Transactional data is collected daily, verified, matched to the appropriate property record and posted weekly; it includes sales transfers, mortgages and refinances.  

The data in this report represents purchase and non-purchase loans made by banks, credit unions and mortgage companies in Massachusetts in 2024. Category breakdowns include purchase mortgages for single-family, multifamily (commercial apartment buildings), condominium and commercial properties, as well as non-purchase residential loans (includes refinances and HELOCs). Residential and commercial data are not combined in any reports. The commercial data in these reports caps all loans at $1 billion. Each category ranks the top 10 lenders by both dollar volume and number of loans.  

For more information, please contact The Warren Group’s customer service department at customerservice@thewarrengroup.com or 617-896-5367. 

Single-Family Mortgages

Bank Volume of Loans

Rank Lender Name Volume
1 Leader Bank, N.A. $1,159,260,593
2 Salem Five Bank $361,445,909
3 Bank of America, N.A. $307,978,924
4 US Bank, N.A. $298,025,272
5 JPMorgan Chase $295,996,061
6 Cape Cod 5 $292,145,319
7 Citizens Financial Group $278,781,350
8 M&T Bank, N.A. $263,473,507
9 Rockland Trust Co. $247,894,423
10 Berkshire Bank $211,965,670

Bank Number of Loans

Rank Lender Name Number
1 Leader Bank, N.A. 1,856
2 Salem Five Bank 595
3 Cape Cod 5 497
4 HarborOne Bank 421
5 Rockland Trust Co. 417
6 JPMorgan Chase 342
7 Citizens Financial Group 340
8 US Bank, N.A. 335
9 Bank of America, N.A. 334
10 M&T Bank, N.A. 323

Credit Union Volume of Loans

Rank Lender Name Volume
1 Navy Federal Credit Union $111,647,929
2 Digital Federal Credit Union $86,136,456
3 Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union $66,944,564
4 Rockland Credit Union $55,824,123
5 Greylock Federal Credit Union $51,611,459
6 Merrimack Valley Credit Union $48,606,725
7 Metro Credit Union $41,012,056
8 Polish National Credit Union $24,933,480
9 MIT Federal Credit Union $20,303,025
10 St. Anne’s Credit Union $20,254,200

Credit Union Number of Loans

Rank Lender Name Number
1 Greylock Federal Credit Union 205
2 Navy Federal Credit Union 200
3 Digital Federal Credit Union 182
4 Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union 117
5 Rockland Credit Union 90
6 Polish National Credit Union 83
7 Merrimack Valley Credit Union 69
8 Metro Credit Union 68
9 Freedom Credit Union 47
10 St. Anne’s Credit Union 44

Mortgage Company Volume of Loans

Rank Lender Name Volume
1 Guaranteed Rate Inc. $1,348,756,037
2 Cross Country Mortgage Inc. $958,754,959
3 United Wholesale Mortgage $649,221,464
4 Fairway Independent Mortgage $576,932,294
5 Guild Mortgage Company $526,800,805
6 Rocket Mortgage $523,591,475
7 Movement Mortgage LLC $495,035,091
8 CMG Mortgage Inc. $416,379,829
9 Total Mortgage Services $270,825,402
10 Morgan Stanley $217,626,065

Mortgage Company Number of Loans

Rank Lender Name Number
1 Guaranteed Rate Inc. 2,200
2 Cross Country Mortgage Inc. 1,603
3 United Wholesale Mortgage 1,324
4 Fairway Independent Mortgage 1,171
5 Guild Mortgage Company 1,135
6 Rocket Mortgage 1,004
7 Movement Mortgage LLC 913
8 CMG Mortgage Inc. 864
9 Total Mortgage Services 655
10 New American Funding 377

Condominium Mortgages

Banks by Volume of Loans

Rank Lender Name Volume
1 Leader Bank, N.A. $444,327,586
2 M&T Bank, N.A. $146,370,638
3 Salem Five Bank $116,642,976
4 Cambridge Savings Bank $110,975,094
5 JPMorgan Chase $100,272,171
6 Bank of America, N.A. $90,486,358
7 Newburyport Bank $84,592,223
8 Citizens Financial Group $80,507,181
9 Berkshire Bank $80,050,709
10 Rockland Trust Co. $78,970,724

Banks by Number of Loans

Rank Lender Name Number
1 Leader Bank, N.A. 918
2 Salem Five Bank 261
3 Cambridge Savings Bank 225
4 M&T Bank, N.A. 211
5 Rockland Trust Co. 185
6 Cape Cod 5 151
7 JPMorgan Chase 145
8 Bank of America, N.A. 144
9 Citizens Financial Group 143
10 Berkshire Bank 126

Credit Unions by Volume of Loans

Rank Lender Name Volume
1 Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union $32,248,438
2 Navy Federal Credit Union $23,299,302
3 Merrimack Valley Credit Union $19,085,443
4 Rockland Credit Union $18,460,970
5 Digital Federal Credit Union $17,170,609
6 Harvard Federal Credit Union $15,638,550
7 MIT Federal Credit Union $11,975,543
8 Metro Credit Union $11,918,475
9 Harvard University Credit Union $11,683,310
10 Bethpage Federal Credit Union $7,868,300

Credit Unions by Number of Loans

Rank Lender Name Number
1 Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union 76
2 Navy Federal Credit Union 47
3 Digital Federal Credit Union 42
4 Merrimack Valley Credit Union 38
5 Rockland Credit Union 34
6 Metro Credit Union 33
7 Harvard Federal Credit Union 29
8 MIT Federal Credit Union 24
9 Harvard University Credit Union 20
10 Polish National Credit Union 15

Mortgage Companies by Volume of Loans

Rank Lender Name Volume
1 Guaranteed Rate Inc. $386,327,645
2 Cross Country Mortgage Inc. $318,931,985
3 Rocket Mortgage $140,424,257
4 Fairway Independent Mortgage $136,076,392
5 Guild Mortgage Company $114,860,923
6 Movement Mortgage LLC $110,339,320
7 United Wholesale Mortgage $96,949,713
8 CMG Mortgage Inc. $79,286,031
9 Guaranteed Rate Affinity LLC $68,721,068
10 Morgan Stanley $55,637,598

Mortgage Companies by Number of Loans

Rank Lender Name Number
1 Guaranteed Rate Inc. 815
2 Cross Country Mortgage Inc. 685
3 Rocket Mortgage 346
4 Fairway Independent Mortgage 336
5 Guild Mortgage Company 285
6 Movement Mortgage LLC 270
7 United Wholesale Mortgage 263
8 CMG Mortgage Inc. 209
9 Guaranteed Rate Affinity LLC 145
10 Total Mortgage Services 131

Residential Nonpurchase Loans

Banks by Volume of Loans

Rank Lender Name Volume
1 Citizens Financial Group $1,737,934,952
2 TD Bank, N.A. $941,725,941
3 JPMorgan Chase $870,027,519
4 Bank of America, N.A. $776,993,583
5 Rockland Trust Co. $620,595,377
6 Eastern Bank $608,973,897
7 Leader Bank, N.A. $492,139,514
8 Cape Cod 5 $353,864,124
9 Salem Five Bank $317,145,836
10 Needham Bank $305,519,285

Banks by Number of Loans

Rank Lender Name Number
1 Citizens Financial Group 7,009
2 Bank of America, N.A. 2,662
3 Eastern Bank 2,369
4 Rockland Trust Co. 2,236
5 TD Bank, N.A. 1,607
6 Leader Bank, N.A. 1,356
7 Cape Cod 5 1,320
8 Salem Five Bank 1,063
9 M&T Bank, N.A. 653
10 BankESB 591

Credit Unions by Volume of Loans

Rank Lender Name Volume
1 Digital Federal Credit Union $287,626,890
2 Rockland Credit Union $156,250,086
3 Hanscom Fed Credit Union $112,147,234
4 Workers Credit Union $106,020,772
5 Metro Credit Union $84,988,727
6 Sharon And Crescent United Credit Union $79,804,254
7 Navy Federal Credit Union $77,943,878
8 Central One Federal Credit Union $73,842,111
9 Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union $69,785,101
10 Merrimack Valley Credit Union $63,165,330

Credit Unions by Number of Loans

Rank Lender Name Number
1 Digital Federal Credit Union 1,629
2 Rockland Credit Union 1,098
3 Workers Credit Union 746
4 Greylock Federal Credit Union 603
5 Hanscom Fed Credit Union 592
6 Metro Credit Union 547
7 Sharon And Crescent United Credit Union 524
8 Central One Federal Credit Union 471
9 Leominster Credit Union 453
10 Navy Federal Credit Union 442

Mortgage Companies by Volume of Loans

Rank Lender Name Volume
1 Rocket Mortgage $952,572,128
2 Guaranteed Rate Inc $509,628,854
3 Cross Country Mortgage Inc $410,757,305
4 United Wholesale Mortgage $317,901,277
5 LoanDepot.Com LLC $235,788,010
6 Mutual of Omaha Mortgage $218,178,285
7 Freedom Mortgage Corp $179,160,681
8 Fairway Independent Mortgage $170,838,565
9 Movement Mortgage LLC $170,011,162
10 Nationstar Mortgage $164,986,540

Mortgage Companies by Number of Loans

Rank Lender Name Number
1 Rocket Mortgage 3,504
2 Guaranteed Rate Inc 1,160
3 Cross Country Mortgage Inc 922
4 United Wholesale Mortgage 811
5 Nationstar Mortgage 774
6 LoanDepot.Com LLC 736
7 Guild Mortgage Company 587
8 Newrez LLC 577
9 Pennymac Loan Services LLC 482
10 Fairway Independent Mortgage 480

Commercial Purchase Loans

Banks by Volume of Loans

Rank Lender Name Volume
1 Citicorp Mortgage Inc. $900,000,001
2 Rockland Trust Co. $172,549,250
3 Ally Bank $162,000,000
4 Bank of America, N.A. $109,181,601
5 Dedham Institution for Savings $104,688,160
6 Enterprise Bank & Trust Co. $89,678,750
7 Eastern Bank $81,555,880
8 Monson Savings Bank $81,093,000
9 Salem Five Bank $73,155,300
10 South Shore Bank $70,158,000


Banks by Number of Loans

Rank Lender Name Number
1 Rockland Trust Co. 108
2 Enterprise Bank & Trust Co. 61
3 Eastern Bank 60
4 Salem Five Bank 45
5 (tie) TD Bank, N.A. 41
5 (tie) Cape Cod 5 41
6 Lowell Five 37
7 (tie) Greenfield Savings Bank 31
7 (tie) Leader Bank, N.A. 31
10 Avidia Bank 28

Credit Unions by Volume of Loans

Rank Lender Name Volume
1 Digital Federal Credit Union $51,277,770
2 Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union $35,987,070
3 Webster First Federal Credit Union $25,757,550
4 Metro Credit Union $22,533,250
5 Sharon And Crescent United Credit Union $18,448,750
6 GFA Federal Credit Union $11,462,000
7 Liberty Bay Credit Union $11,071,920
8 Merrimack Valley Credit Union $8,915,125
9 Taunton Federal Credit Union $6,210,000
10 Quincy Credit Union $5,575,000

Credit Unions by Number of Loans

Rank Lender Name Number
1 Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union 33
2 (tie) Digital Federal Credit Union 19
2 (tie) Webster First Federal Credit Union 19
3 Greylock Federal Credit Union 13
4 (tie) GFA Federal Credit Union 12
4 (tie) Liberty Bay Credit Union 12
5 (tie) Sharon And Crescent United Credit Union 11
5 (tie) Taunton Federal Credit Union 11
6 Merrimack Valley Credit Union 9
7 Quincy Credit Union 7

Mortgage Companies by Volume of Loans

Rank Lender Name Volume
1 Walker & Dunlop LLC $111,114,000
2 CBRE Multifamily Capital $96,241,000
3 CBRE Capital Markets Inc. $94,512,000
4 MA Mutual Life Insurance $37,395,000
5 Capital Funding $34,546,586
6 United Wholesale Mortgage $15,149,297
7 Tailor Ridge Capital Management LLC $13,790,325
8 Cross Country Mortgage Inc. $10,341,732
9 Guaranteed Rate Inc. $10,202,140
10 Farm Credit East ACA $8,913,000

Mortgage Companies by Number of Loans

Rank Lender Name Number
1 United Wholesale Mortgage 28
2 Guild Mortgage Company 18
3 Cross Country Mortgage Inc. 17
4 Guaranteed Rate Inc. 15
5 Fairway Independent Mortgage 13
6 Rocket Mortgage 11
7 (tie) Tailor Ridge Capital Management LLC 10
7 (tie) Velocity Commercial Capital LLC 10
8 (tie) MSA Mortgage LLC 9
8 (tie) Movement Mortgage LLC 9

Multifamily Purchase Loans

Banks by Volume of Loans

Rank Lender Name Volume
1 Monson Savings Bank $75,693,000
2 Eastern Bank $43,557,343
3 Dedham Institution for Savings $32,450,000
4 Needham Bank $30,955,000
5 Key Bank, N.A. $27,153,000
6 TD Bank, N.A. $24,970,750
7 Lowell Five $24,587,308
8 Hingham Institution for Savings $23,427,500
9 Country Bank for Savings $17,535,750
10 Greenfield Savings Bank $17,262,800

Banks by Number of Loans

Rank Lender Name Number
1 (tie) Lowell Five 19
1 (tie) Rockland Trust Co. 19
2 Monson Savings Bank 18
3 (tie) Eastern Bank 15
3 (tie) TD Bank, N.A. 15
4 Greenfield Cooperative Bank 14
5 (tie) Greenfield Savings Bank 12
5 (tie) Salem Five Bank 12
5 (tie) Leader Bank, N.A. 12
6 Enterprise Bank & Trust Co. 10

Credit Unions by Volume of Loans

Rank Lender Name Volume
1 Digital Federal Credit Union $24,245,000
2 Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union $24,179,820
3 Webster First Federal Credit Union $19,537,550
4 GFA Federal Credit Union $9,699,500
5 Metro Credit Union $7,615,750
6 Liberty Bay Credit Union $6,680,000
7 Taunton Federal Credit Union $5,541,000
8 Sharon And Crescent United Credit Union $4,582,500
9 Merrimack Valley Credit Union $3,810,000
10 Coastal One Credit Union $3,400,000

Credit Unions by Number of Loans

Rank Lender Name Number
1 Jeanne D’Arc Credit Union 24
2 Webster First Federal Credit Union 14
3 GFA Federal Credit Union 11
4 Digital Federal Credit Union 10
5 Taunton Federal Credit Union 9
6 Liberty Bay Credit Union 7
7 Greylock Federal Credit Union 6
8 Sharon And Crescent United Credit Union 5
9 Merrimack Valley Credit Union 4
10 Holyoke Credit Union 3

Mortgage Companies by Volume of Loans

Rank Lender Name Volume
1 Walker & Dunlop LLC $111,114,000
2 CBRE Multifamily Capital $96,241,000
3 CBRE Capital Markets Inc, $94,512,000
4 United Wholesale Mortgage $14,236,142
5 Guaranteed Rate Inc $8,375,436
6 Guild Mortgage Company $6,916,404
7 Cross Country Mortgage Inc, $6,324,384
8 Fairway Independent Mortgage $5,971,230
9 American Neighborhood Mortgage Acceptance $5,706,490
10 Movement Mortgage LLC $5,200,795

Mortgage Companies by Number of Loans

Rank Lender Name Number
1 United Wholesale Mortgage 26
2 Guild Mortgage Company 14
3 Fairway Independent Mortgage 12
4 Guaranteed Rate Inc. 11
5 Cross Country Mortgage Inc. 10
6 (tie) American Neighborhood Mortgage Acceptance 8
6 (tie) Movement Mortgage LLC 8
7 Rocket Mortgage 7
8 MSA Mortgage LLC 6
9 LoanDepot.Com LLC 5