by Diane McLaughlin | Jul 24, 2022
The coming months could see more job losses as lenders adjust to the new economic environment. But some Massachusetts lenders don’t see layoffs on their horizon thanks to decisions made when the refinance boom began two years ago.
by Diane McLaughlin | Jan 17, 2021
With the busy 2020 refi and purchase markets looking set to continue into 2021, lenders hope to lean on the investments they made last year.
by Diane McLaughlin | May 17, 2020
With Massachusetts still lacking the inventory needed to meet buyer demand, loan originators have had to get creative in how they work with prospective homeowners.
by Jim Morrison | Oct 23, 2016
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia handed PHH mortgage an early Christmas present in their strongly-worded, 110-page decision vacating a $103 million fine and finding the structure of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau unconstitutional.
by Banker & Tradesman | Apr 3, 2015
Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp. recently added...