Urban Land Institute (ULI) Boston/New England has hired Michelle Landers as the new executive director.

In her new role as executive director, Landers works with the region’s real estate market, providing the Boston/New England District Council with strategic guidance.

Landers has most recently worked with the district council over the past seven years, where she was responsible for member engagement and public outreach, working with members and communities in administering the district council’s technical assistance panel program to provide land use recommendations to under-resourced local governments and public agencies. Overseeing a dozen active committees and local product councils, Landers works closely with the staff, advisory board, management committee and member leaders.

Prior to joining ULI, Landers worked as the manager of marketing and events for the Greater Newburyport Chamber of Commerce and Industry, where she managed a community marketing program and organized community and chamber member events.

ULI Hires New Executive Director

by Banker & Tradesman time to read: 1 min